4Minute Hit Your Heart

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2 Votes

I really like the monochromatic theme for this album

4minute released their second mini album, Hit Your Heart in the summer this year. I was preoccupied with other music to really focus on idol groups, but I started recently listening to some of the songs on here and decided to review it.

Another pointless intro track, but can’t you feel the Cube love? Fellow label mates, BEAST, are featured in Who’s Next? The song does have that fierceness going on in the track,but if they were going to make this fierce they should’ve made it a full track. Initiallly I didn’t pay attention to HuH and I regret that now because it’s a pretty good song. You can hear their voices and even the makgnae adds her rap. The beat reminds me of marching band

Invitation reminds me of What a girl wants from For Muzik, pretty repetitive and catchy. Not a bad track, I just don’t listen to it that much. I My Me Mine is the energy that HuH lacks, I really like this song. It’s fun and the auto tune adds the song instead of destroying it.BaBaBa reminds me of SISTAR for some reason, maybe the beat, but I don’t like this too much either.

Highlight is supposed to cute I feel like they went 2 steps back instead of continuing with the hard, tough sound. I had to force myself to listen to this song and I don’t like any part of it. Totally surprised by 태연하게 당연하게(Cool and Natural), a slow ballad-y type song. I like this every once in a while from idol groups especially if they can sing, but this takes away from the energy that this album had; it doesn’t really fit.

This mini album was kinda thrown together. I only like 2 tracks on here, but on a good note 4minute is starting to look more like a group instead of Hyun Ah and the back up singers. I wasn’t too impressed with this album so 2/5.

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